Who are MCL?
Who are MCL?
MCL SOLUTIONS LIMITED is a Private Limited Company, previously known as ‘Northern Processing Ltd’ which was incorporated 12 years ago on 29/03/2011 and has the company registered number: 07582559 (England & Wales). In April 2023 they announced a name change from ‘Northern Processing Ltd to MCL Solutions Limited. However, they also trade under “MCL Group”.
At the time of writing there is only one company officer for MCL Solutions Limited – a Mr. Mark Clifford Lickley who is registered as a Director. He also holds current appointments with TEECEM Ltd and Cornish MIMS Limited.
Further details can be found here if you are interested:
He has resigned from 4 other directorships and was a director of a dissolved business also.
What do MCL do?
Quite a lot it would seem! It looks like that just recently they have cast their net REALLY wide, this announcement made by Mark Lickley himself goes some way to explaining:
Yes! Whilst the permit application just mentions cementitious materials, looking at recent social media posts made by the MCL Group, they handle all sorts of materials at their facilities. So not only is it likely we will see cementitious materials, we could see a whole lot worse. More noise, more dust, more pollution, more hazardous products!
Show me an example (or THREE!)
The below linkedin post (Linkedin is a business social media platform, similar to facebook) clearly demonstrates the proposals they have for Kingsferry Wharf. It was posted in August 2023.
Another linkedin post showing loose bulk materials being offloaded by a crane grab. Interestingly there is a crane and grab now on the Kingsferry Wharf.
This TEECEM ‘flyer’ was also posted on linkedin – TEECEM is what Mark Lickley announced in the April newsletter. Note the bulk bags of cement and the method of offloading them – tipping bags into a hopper. Ready for blowing into a bulk loader behind.